August 2008

 “God Loves us to”


Religious leaders say that people who are gay and lesbian are sinning and that one’s sexual orientation is something that can be changed. He says that he believes these things because that is what the Bible says about the subject.

The Bible has tens of thousands of verses in it, and it is all too easy to find one or two verses to support a viewpoint that is nevertheless wrong.

We should challenge them to take another look at the way the Bible is used against people who are gay. There are countless ministers and other religious leaders who do not believe that the Bible should be abused to condemn people who are gay or lesbian. They believe that only through accepting, welcoming and affirming gays and lesbians do they express the full love of God.

People are not gay or lesbian because of bad character or low morals. None of us just woke up one morning and said to ourselves…”Gee, I’m bored so just for shits and giggles I think I will be GAY now”  It is something that is decided for you, and it is decided for you long before you even KNOW what sexuality even is…it is GENETIC and that is the bottom line.

Heterosexuals are not that way because they have better morals than gay people. In fact, one of the most profound moral choices that confronts people who are gay or lesbian is whether to be honest or to lie. People who are openly gay have simply chosen to be honest with themselves and other’s around them.

No human being chooses their sexual orientation. Sexual orientation is something that is decided for you, for reasons of which we are not yet fully aware. In fact, many gay and lesbian young people never even knew that such a thing as gay persons even existed before they realized that new fact about themselves.

If you are heterosexual, just ask yourself this one question, “How and when did I choose to be heterosexual”? The fact is that you did not choose which gender to be attracted to. No one does.

Love and commitment makes a family. Anyone who has ever read the Bible knows that it has one main message; “Love your neighbor as yourself” and “Love the Lord God with all your heart, mind and soul”.

Falwell, for example, says that he is on the side of truth, however, if the reverend were to open his heart towards people who are gay or lesbian, he would discover that scripture has been abused to support an anti-gay agenda which subtracts from the loving message of the gospel.

Sure, we can be tempted to say “what’s the big deal, it’s just his opinion”. But it is a big deal. As you read this, multiple thousands of gay men and lesbian women are living lives that are made more difficult because Falwell still preaches that being gay or lesbian is a sin that can be changed.

It’s okay for these “popular” ministers to ride on the coat-tails of the elderly and the poor and live in their multi-million dollar mansions with the Olympic sized pools and the heated dog houses financed by their devoted followers to lie and steal and have illicit secret affairs with men on the side and then when caught easily produce the “cow tears” and ask for forgiveness.

A few years ago on the way to Cleveland Pride I decided to take Susan Westenhoffer’s advice and call the toll free number to the “700 Club”. When I got a representative of “Mr Robertson” I asked her if she could please say a prayer for me, after she agreed I asked her to please pray so that it wouldn’t rain on Gay Pride…she refused.  Repeatedly she refused telling me that homosexuality was an abomination of GOD…believe that?  So I kept calling her because every time someone calls that toll free number it costs the good ole boy Pat money…maybe you should all try it…1-800-700-CLUB.

For some unknown reason a miniscule portion of our society seems to think that gays and lesbians live a wild sexual perverted life…”I WISH”.  Our lives are no different than a typical heterosexual individual.  We work, we have dinner, we have arguments about money or pain in the ass ex’s who do not have the moral consideration to let go and move on, we raise children, let the dog out and go to bed only to wake up and start the same process over again.

Just in the last ten years we as gay men and women have made tremendous progress as far as acceptance, and in the next ten it will be even easier…that is as long as we ALL stand our ground and not let these idiotic finger pointing homophobic asshole’s who have nothing better to do than to run their mouths about people they deem “less than perfect” manipulate us because when you point your finger at someone there is always three fingers pointing back at you.

I hope you all have a wonderfully prosperous week!


“Ms. Manipulator”


I kissed a girl and I liked it,


I hope my boyfriend don’t mind it

 (Katy Perry)


There are women among us who are perpetrating heinous acts.  Yes, it’s true…
“Straight Girls pretending to be lesbians for one warped reason or another”

Now I am not hating on bisexuality.  If that’s your thing so be it.  But this isn’t about bisexuality.  This is about women who know damned  well that they are not trying to be in a real relationship with another woman when in fact what they are doing is killing time until HE either starts to act right, gets released from the “joint” or they need money to pay their expenses, i.e., CABLE BILL and so on and so forth. 

What easier way to get it than to “manipulate” a caring, giving lesbian who has fallen for them.

Now me personally, I don’t get involved with women who are not card carrying members of the “NAL” (National Association of Lesbians).  My “gaydar” is pretty damned good and it hasn’t steered me wrong yet.

These women more often than not do not contribute anything to the community, except for drama when the shit hits the fan. And when that event takes place, innocent people are tossed aside with callous inconsideration, innocent people who “supposedly” at one time meant something to the “Pseudo lesbian.”  These women are braisen, callous, uncaring and quite frankly they are giving us real lesbians a bad rep, both inside and outside of the community.

I’ve seen it happen too many times. In fact, it just recently happened to a close friend of mine. She met and became smitten with an attractive blonde, blue eyed , insecure “lesbian” but this woman wasn’t really a lesbian and my friend was kicked to the curb after “Ms Manipulator” got what she wanted.   

I am sure that I am not the only friend who noticed the subtle yet dramatic changes in our friends behavior. Like how she started walking on eggshells, watching what she said, what she did, who she talked to.  Her entire life became censored and criticized. I am also sure that she herself eventually looked into the mirror and did not recognize the woman staring back at her.

The woman she was involved with was so insecure that my friend walked around with blinders on because if she was not giving this woman her complete and undivided attention she would start a confrontation. Many times she was accused of “not spending enough time with her” or “ignoring her” even to the point that this woman became jealous of the time that my friend was spending with her partners own children.

Maybe I am not telling you enough here. Like what a slap in the face it was to my friend when the woman that she was involved with told her she loved her one day then ended things the next day and was in bed with a man that very same night.  My friend was absolutely devastated and still is. 

She was taken on the emotional rollercoaster ride from hell, she paid the ultimate price for opening up her heart and loving someone she assumed was genuine.

What happened to her was a crime, a crime of the heart but still a crime just the same.

The man that her former girlfriend  is involved with is an ex boyfriend who was extremely abusive towards her both physically as well as mentally. Maybe she went back to him because she enjoyed being beaten down.  All that I can say to her is…”

Nice job Cam,  surely deserve best actress of the year award because you had us all fooled.”

Insecure women have very low self-esteem, no self-confidence, and can’t even begin to think self-awareness, resulting in cruel remarks and judgment of other women that they don’t even know.

 Insecure women have no identity and want so desperately to find one so they seek out the confident woman and mimic her every move, her mannerisms, and her style and in the same turn, always making negative remarks about her. Instead of wasting all of their insecure energies on trying to cause discomfort in the confident woman’s life, why didn’t they just invest positive energies into improving themselves.

Maybe there is a “Manipulation School” that they attend. If so, the one in my friends case graduated first in her class…of this I am sure. I should probably do some research on this school, I am sure it would make for a great upcoming article.

Being a lesbian isn’t something that you can conveniently turn on and off when the mood hits you.  It’s not a fad.  It’s not something that you do for fun.  It is very frustrating not knowing a person’s sexuality especially if you are in a relationship with them.

It creates a lot more problems in relationships but I do not for the life of me understand not being able to decide if you are attracted to WOMEN or MEN.  These Pseudo Lesbians mislead and in the end, we (lesbians) are the ones that usually get hurt.

 Our ancestors fought hard and were subjected to many forms of hatred and abuse and some died  along the way to make sure that we as lesbians have the liberties that so many of us take for granted.  

Accepting your sexuality, is your responsibility and yours alone. Be who you say you are but please do play games with another’s heart.


I hope that you all have a wonderfully prosperous week!






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