February 2008

“Hate Crime”

Hate crimes are criminal actions intended to harm or intimidate people because of their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion or other minority group status. They are also referred to as bias crimes.

Depending upon where you live, a hate crime is a criminal act which is motivated, at least in part, because of someone’s bias or hatred of a person’s or group’s perceived race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or other characteristic.

When a crime is a “hate crime,” the victim is intentionally selected because of his or her race, color, religion, national origin, gender, disability or sexual orientation. A number of federal and state laws prohibit acts or threats of violence; as well as harassment and discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender and/or disability. Some laws also include political affiliation and age; though federal and state laws vary greatly. A crime is classified as bias-motivated (or a hate crime) when it is clear that the offender’s criminal actions were motivated, in whole or in part, by bias

Sexual orientation remains the third-highest recorded bias crime in our country, which underscores that antigay hate crimes are a very real problem nationwide.

The highest percentage of antigay attacks in the 16 years the FBI has tracked them was in 2002, when 16.7 percent of the nation’s hate crimes targeted people based on their perceived orientation. Victim-advocate groups, such as the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs, contend that the number of attacks against gays is much higher. Hate crimes are about more than just someone beating someone else up or someone killing another person. Hate Crimes, by their very nature, affect more than just the victims; they affect entire groups of people.

Forty-seven states and the District of Columbia have laws against hate crimes. Of those, twenty-nine states and the District of Columbia have hate crimes statutes that specifically cover crimes based on the real or perceived sexual orientation of the victim. Seven of those states and the District of Columbia also cover gender identity.

The physical and emotional damage caused by hate crimes impacts entire communities, races, genders, or ethnic groups; whatever group to which the victim(s) belong. Hate crimes are about more than just interpersonal violence; they are about intimidation, they’re about power and they’re about disrupting communities and violating civility.

The victimization of gays and lesbians based upon their sexual orientation includes harassment, vandalism, robbery, assault, rape and murder. The location of these crimes is not restricted to dark streets leading from gay establishments. Violence against gays and lesbians occurs everywhere: in schools, the workplace, public places and in the home. Those who commit these acts come from all social/economic backgrounds and represent different age groups (National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Safety and Fitness Exchange, Lance Bradley and Kevin Berrill, 1986.)

Ending hate crimes is everyone’s responsibility; laws do not change by themselves and they certainly do not change overnight. Changing them entails community involvement, acceptance, encouragement and perseverance.

While the struggle is not over, changing hearts and minds was made easier by the efforts of the woman called the “Founding Mother” of Gay Rights.

Gay rights activist Barbara Gittings was one of those people. She died of breast cancer at her home in Pennsylvania, at the age of 75. Ms. Gittings and her partner, Kay Tobin Lahusen, had been together for 46 years.

When asked how Ms. Gittings would want to be remembered, Ms. Lahusen said that Ms. Gittings “would want to be remembered for the love she leaves behind. Love of the cause, the gay community; love of justice; love of music and books; and love for me.”

I hope you all have a wonderfully prosperous week!





I find myself increasingly uncaring about what passes for news, ideas, or thought lately.  I have been afflicted with a severe case of “Writers Block” this week. School is kicking my ass, we’ve all been sick with the flu,  and on top of everything else; I am PMS’ing it (is it obvious?) and totally unmotivated, if Hershey ever goes out of business and stops producing CHOCOLATE…”God help you all”  *GRIN*

No one agrees with anyone else. Everyone thinks they alone have THE right opinion, despite the fact that everyone else  thinks that of themselves also. Women and children still die at the hands of men and the Pope looks like the antichrist. What’s the point of chronicling the same old bullshit over and over?? Somebody give me ONE good reason to keep writing about all of this nonsense!! Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

I had absolutely no idea what I was going to write about this week until I received an e mail from a dear friend of mine venting about her “SEXLESS” relationship then immediately a light bulb came on (I love it when that happens), so that is what I decided to cover this week.

“Not tonight dear, I have a headache.” How many times have we laughed at that line in a TV comedy or a movie? However, few women who experience low sex drive in their relationships think its a laughing matter.

Fortunately for me I am a total “horn dog” and I will hopefully will always remain as such. There is an age difference between she and I. She is 32 and I just turned 43 but according to her, I have the libido of a 20 year old.

 My friend, who is dealing with a “sexless relationship” right now is going insane. There is no medical justification for it she says, her girlfriend simply does not want to. Situations like theirs can definitely lead to infidelity.

She says she is to the point that she feels like cheating. Ahhhh…self gratification is great at that particular moment but what about after the fact? Could you handle all of the feelings that transpire after the “dirty deed” is done.” Maybe there are underlying issues with her girlfriend, I couldn’t say for sure because I do not know her.

An active sex life is an important part of almost every marriage/relationship, but approximately 20% of marriages are sexless. Most women have a healthy sex drive and enjoy it just as much as they did in the beginning of the relationship. But, for many women, experiencing low sex drive is a real problem that affects them emotionally, making them feel unattractive and undesirable. Women with low sex drive often experience problems in their relationships and their partners can and most often times do take the woman’s lack of libido as a sign of rejection.

A woman’s lack of libido can be brought on by several factors. Of course, marital problems can bring about a woman’s lack of libido, but mental problems such as depression, anxiety, and stress, for example, can also cause a woman to feel a low sex drive. Relationship and emotional problems with a spouse can cause a decrease in sex drive due to mental preoccupation with these thoughts.

The cause for loss of sex drive differs from woman to woman and needs to be analyzed and sorted out on an individual level, preferably by a physician. Thankfully, if low sex drive is due to mental problems these can often be resolved through holistic, non medical approaches, such as meditation and hypnotherapy. These natural approaches, if used successfully, can get the woman’s sex drive back on track (Can we say; “Who’s Yo Daddy!”).Other potential causes of low sex drive are hormone, or endocrine, disorders. Excess progesterone, as experienced by menopausal women, for example, is one possible cause of a low sex drive. I have been experiencing menopause for quite some time now but it has not affected my sex drive, if anything, I feel like it has increased, thus, keeping my girlfriend extremely happy at all times.

On the other hand, a woman can experience low progesterone levels, as well. Research has demonstrated that many women in their 30’s and younger occasionally fail to ovulate. This phenomenon is often brought on by stress or poor diet. Failure to ovulate in women leads to a lack of progesterone production, which results in excess estrogen. Excessive estrogen levels coupled with low progesterone levels then leads to a hormonal imbalance, which can result in a woman’s lack of libido.

But, did you know, SEX is an instant cure for mild depression. It releases endorphins into the bloodstream, producing a sense of euphoria and leaving you with a feeling of well being.

A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose. Sex is also a natural antihistamine. It can help combat asthma and hay fever. According to research, sex may alleviate the pain of migraine in some patients. In fact a study found migraine sufferers report higher levels of sexual desire than people with other types of headaches.

So there you have it my friends, sex may actually provide some relief for migraine and hay fever allergy sufferers. So the next time your partner tells you; “Not tonight dear, I have a headache” you can tell them that you have the absolute perfect cure!

I hope you all have a wonderfully prosperous week!!



Self Sabotage
Self sabotage is something we do to ourselves when we feel we don’t deserve good things to happen to or for us. There is no logical explanation for why we don’t or won’t allow such things to happen.
This is not for lack of desire for good things, rather, it’s like a tug of war we play with ourselves inside between us wanting something good and not feeling worthy of it. Frequently using the word should is an excellent indication that one may be experiencing self sabotaging behaviors.If there is no real reason for one to not experience good things, then self sabotage is present.

Self sabotage can be a minor thing, a phase or it can become so serious that it limits or completely destroys one’s ability or desire to live the happy and fulfilling life we are all entitled to the moment we are born.

Unfortunately, circumstances in life can severely alter our self image to the point where we feel trapped in a never ending cycle of unhappiness and lack of self esteem and self worth.

For example, people who become “involved” with someone who is already in a committed relationship. They say that they are “happy” and their “lover” is going to leave their significant other, they just need to wait for the “right time”. Sure, maybe they are happy, but at who’s expense?  “Once a cheater, always a cheater?”
Whenever I hear of situations like this I am reminded of a saying that my grandmother used quite frequently towards my aunt because she never got involved with a man UNLESS he was already “involved”. I think it was her “safety net”. they couldn’t be seriously involved with her because, well, they were already married.
“When you step on the neck of someone to be with someone else, the hand of God is not in it”
In the past, I myself have indeed been guilty of “self sabotage”, in fact, I still occasionally do it. For example, when it comes to school, I will repeatedly “put it off,” I guess I get frustrated because I am not a patient person when it comes to anything.
“I WANT IT NOW” and I have always been that way and the only way that I am able to keep myself focused and grounded is to remind myself of the bigger picture, and then I also have my girlfriend who won’t think twice about putting her foot in my ass if she see’s that I am procrastinating.
Self sabotage doesn’t discriminate, it afflicts people from all walks of life, gay or straight. But I have noticed that the lesbian community has been increasingly prone to this behavior.
I see it when we occasionally go out to the local club. Women who use alcohol or drugs as a “self motivator.” They exhibit behavior that they never would had they been “clear minded,” they degrade themselves. The “buzz” is their new best friend, it gives them confidence, a sense of humor, it also helps to mold them into complete idiots.
It is my belief that all people are born worthy and good. Some people throughout their lives are told they are not good, they’re not worth it, they’re useless and if one hears that enough, it tends to become a mind set.But the damage can be undone. You believed those people when they told you those things, so maybe it’s time to start believing in yourself and the time will come when you will learn to like the person looking back at you in the mirror.

Each day, find five good things about yourself. Make a list, and make that list your personal bible. Carry it with you everywhere. State those affirmations. Add to the list constantly, without erasing the past affirmations.

In time, provided you were honest with yourself, you will begin to believe that you are a good and worthy person who is deserving of happiness and success!

Everyone has good, even people who are seemingly evil. How we choose to use our gifts is up to us.

I hope you all have a wonderfully prosperous week!!
Freedom is Overrated
“All of us are created equal, endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights among these life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
 But are we as Americans “really free” and are we treated equally? Or have we been living in a cultish society for so long that we have been brainwashed into thinking that we are free?
Complacency is a luxury we cannot afford when it comes to our freedom. Yet complacency is exactly the attitude that many Americans have. We are misinformed because our country has lead us to believe that we will be taken care of, but is that really true?
Lesbian and Gay Americans have even less “freedom” than heterosexual Americans. We are not afforded the same basic freedoms, we cannot openly love whom we wish to, we cannot marry, we cannot worship in the religious denomination of our choice, we cannot adopt, even though hundreds of thousands of children need loving homes we cannot be openly gay and serve in the military; still feeling that “freedom?”
We have organizations like “Unicef” and the “peace Corp” to help other countries, we feed them, clothe them, rebuild their cities (after we blow them to pieces), educate them. But have you noticed that we do not have programs here in the United States for the people here who need it?
How many American children graduate from high school and do not even have the basic ability to read and write or have decent homes or nice clothes to wear?
I am not sure just how many of you watch the “L Word” but last weeks episode focused mainly on Tasha’s experience with the military and how they were trying to prosecute her for “allegedly” being a homosexual. Tasha did come out on top, she professed her love for Alice but obviously gave up the career she loved so much; there’s “freedom” for you.
As long as the military does not know that you are gay or lesbian, they are A-O-K with you laying down your life to preserve and protect America’s “freedoms.”
Ah, there’s that word again; “freedom”.
While watching that episode, I immediately thought of one of my fellow writers and her girlfriend and what they must go through to “preserve” their own private lives and civil freedoms (both are military).  They cannot legally marry, so if one is transferred overseas, the other cannot follow. The must accept the absence and be content with occasional phone calls and letters.
I had the pleasure of meeting them both last year at the Terry Awards and they are both sweet and admirable young ladies who happen to be very much in love. Yesterday while exchanging e mails with her, my heart ached to hear just how much she missed her girlfriend, I couldn’t even imagine being away from my girlfriend for any length of time yet these young ladies experience “absence” constantly.
I received a call from my ex yesterday and she proceeded to tell me that at the end of the work day, she and her girlfriend, as well as five other employee’s were called before the supervisor only to hear; “It’s been great working with you, BUT, we won’t be needing you anymore.”
POOF, just like that, “jobless,” “God Bless America.”
You are required to abide by the laws, pay your taxes and be good and appreciative citizens. So, everyday, you wake up, shower, eat, kiss your families good-bye and go to work.
Then the day comes when you can’t get out of bed, eat or stand to be in the same room with anyone, let alone yourself because you were recently given that hand shake and speech by your supervisor that you won’t be needed anymore because your company has decided to re locate overseas because labor is cheaper and that particular country just gave them a huge tax break.
In turn, your home is foreclosed on, you apply for state medical and food stamps and simply just “exist.” So tell me, where is the “freedom” in that?
The truth is, none of us are really “free.” We are owned by our government and we always will be. Freedom of speech is overrated also, you cannot say things like “Bush is a useless asshole” (even though it’s the truth).  I will even go as far to say that I believe America is “Guiana” and Bush is our own personal “Jim Jones.” Am I the only one breathing in the stench of the republican bullshit?
How did our “Commander in Chief” turn into “Dictator” without us noticing? If you look up Commander in chief, it means “To Command” and is of the military nature.
How does he “command” anything sitting in a comfy leather chair? Our nations first president, George Washington fought in combat,  leading the Continental Army to victory over the Kingdom of Great Britain in the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783. If it was good enough for Washington, it’s good enough for Bush, but hey, that’s just my opinion.
You are looked down on if you disagree with the “senseless” war that is going on right now. Bush is all for the war; of course he is, and he doesn’t have any family members being sent home in body bags either.
For so long as but a hundred of us remain alive, we will in no way yield ourselves to the dominion of the English. For it is not for glory, nor riches, nor honor that we fight, but for Freedom, which no good man lays down but with his life.”
(Declaration of Arbroath, 1302. The Times Book of Quotations (2000)
I hope you all have a wonderfully prosperous week!






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